Southern Illinois University Herbarium (SIU)SIU contains ~90,000 herbarium specimens of vascular plants from around the world, with a focus on the southern Illinois region. Co-curator: Kurt M. Neubig, kneubig@siu.edu, 618-453-3823 (ORCID #: 0000-0002-7113-0449) Co-curator: Nancy Garwood, ngarwood@siu.edu Collection Type: Preserved Specimens Management: Live Data managed directly within data portal Global Unique Identifier: 03bc2bee-bec5-4264-906d-40c82550f82e Digital Metadata: EML File Usage Rights: CC0 1.0 (Public-domain) Address:
Southern Illinois University Herbarium Plant Biology Department 1125 Lincoln Dr. Carbondale, IL 62901-6509 US 618 536 2331 ext. 30 Collection Statistics