RGSC 316-Fall 2017 (San Augustin Pass, NM)
Locality: San Augustin Pass, New Mexico Abstract: A checklist of plants for the quiz based on our field trip to San Augustin Pass.
Families: 10
Genera: 15
Species: 17
Total Taxa: 18
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Gutierrezia sarothrae - Kindlingweed
Melampodium leucanthum - Plains Blackfoot
Polanisia dodecandra - Red-Whisker Clammyweed
Quercus turbinella - Arizona shrub oak
Garrya wrightii - Wright's Silktassel
Castilleja sp. - Indian paintbrush
Aristida ternipes - Spider Grass
Bouteloua curtipendula - Side-Oats Grama
Bouteloua eriopoda - Black Grama
Bouteloua gracilis - Blue Grama
Bouteloua hirsuta - Hairy Grama
Eragrostis lehmanniana - Lehmann's Love Grass
Leptochloa dubia - Green-Sprangletop
Lycurus setosus - Bristly Wolf's-Tail
Eriogonum wrightii - Bastard-Sage
Cercocarpus montanus - Alder-Leaf Mountain-Mahogany
Phoradendron coryae - mistletoe
Tribulus terrestris - Puncturevine